Salut, my name is Michel

I acknowledge

that I live and work on unceded T’Sou-ke territory and Coast Salish Territories. I endeavour to honour the land and its people by strengthening our relationship and responsibilities to the land.

Since the 80’s photography has been part of my life long journey.

 As a photographer, recording everyday life is a cornerstone of my work, balanced with a deep commitment to artistic creativity. I draw inspiration from the photographic works of masters such as Julia Margaret Cameron, Margaret Bourke-White, Chema Madoz, Michael Kenna, Richard Avedon, Andreas Gursky, and the surrealistic paintings of Salvador Dali.

I relish the creative freedom that comes with composition and fine art photography. Each piece of my fine art and compositional work is designed to spark conversation, provoke debate, and ignite the imagination.

As a freelance photographer, I am always available for commissioned work and particularly enjoy the collaborative nature of portrait photography.

I am an active member of the Professional Photographers of Canada, where I continually refine my skills. Additionally, I serve as an instructor at the Pacific Design Academy, teaching both Photography and Photoshop.

A significant aspect of my portfolio is giving back to the community. I volunteer my time to teach photography to seniors at the Sooke Regional Lifelong Learning (SRLL) and work with the Sooke Fine Arts Society to help with setting up their annual Vancouver Island Fine Arts Show.

I conclude with a quote from Ansel Adams: “You don’t take a photograph, you make it”,” which serves as the guiding philosophy behind all of my work.

 Image taken by: Derek Ford, Derek Ford Studios

PPOC Accreditation

If you interested in working with me? Please complete the form below to get in touch with me.

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